* A tap is ecognized when the pointer is doing a small tap/click. Multiple taps are recognized if they occur
* between the given interval and position. The delay option can be used to recognize multi-taps without firing
* a single tap.
* The eventData from the emitted event contains the property `tapCount`, which contains the amount of
* multi-taps being recognized.
* @constructor
* @extends Recognizer
function TapRecognizer() {
Recognizer.apply(this, arguments);
// previous time and center,
// used for tap counting
this.pTime = false;
this.pCenter = false;
this._timer = null;
this._input = null;
this.count = 0;
inherit(TapRecognizer, Recognizer, {
* @namespace
* @memberof PinchRecognizer
defaults: {
event: 'tap',
pointers: 1,
taps: 1,
interval: 300, // max time between the multi-tap taps
time: 250, // max time of the pointer to be down (like finger on the screen)
threshold: 9, // a minimal movement is ok, but keep it low
posThreshold: 10 // a multi-tap can be a bit off the initial position
getTouchAction: function() {
process: function(input) {
var options = this.options;
var validPointers = input.pointers.length === options.pointers;
var validMovement = input.distance < options.threshold;
var validTouchTime = input.deltaTime < options.time;
if ((input.eventType & INPUT_START) && (this.count === 0)) {
return this.failTimeout();
// we only allow little movement
// and we've reached an end event, so a tap is possible
if (validMovement && validTouchTime && validPointers) {
if (input.eventType != INPUT_END) {
return this.failTimeout();
var validInterval = this.pTime ? (input.timeStamp - this.pTime < options.interval) : true;
var validMultiTap = !this.pCenter || getDistance(this.pCenter, input.center) < options.posThreshold;
this.pTime = input.timeStamp;
this.pCenter = input.center;
if (!validMultiTap || !validInterval) {
this.count = 1;
} else {
this.count += 1;
this._input = input;
// if tap count matches we have recognized it,
// else it has began recognizing...
var tapCount = this.count % options.taps;
if (tapCount === 0) {
// no failing requirements, immediately trigger the tap event
// or wait as long as the multitap interval to trigger
if (!this.hasRequireFailures()) {
} else {
this._timer = setTimeoutContext(function() {
this.state = STATE_RECOGNIZED;
}, options.interval, this);
failTimeout: function() {
this._timer = setTimeoutContext(function() {
this.state = STATE_FAILED;
}, this.options.interval, this);
reset: function() {
emit: function() {
if (this.state == STATE_RECOGNIZED) {
this._input.tapCount = this.count;
this.manager.emit(this.options.event, this._input);